what we’ve been up to, much needed family day edition

Our schedule has been crazy lately.  My husband has traveled a lot for work and funerals, and the few free weekends we’ve have been jam-packed.  Today, for the first time in two months, we had a free day with all of us home.  It was wonderful to just hang out at the house, get out on a couple of fun errands together, and play at one of our favorite parks.  We need to be deliberate about having days like this more often.

fun day pizap sept 2014

what we’ve been up to, april & may edition

what we've been up to, april & may edition

The last few weeks have been a blur of end-of-year activities, baseball, park adventures, rainbow loom bracelets, paper chasing, and birthday parties. It’s been fun and busy, but I’m ready for the relaxed summer schedule. My son has one more week of school, and then I’ll officially have a 3rd grader and a preK-er! Craziness! Last summer, I got a little overly ambitious with our Summer Bucket List, so I’m hoping this summer will be pretty easy-going, with a few fun structured activities and lots of casual playdates thrown in. That’s my kind of routine! One of my little darlings needs a bit more structure than I prefer, so we’ll just have to be flexible and play it by ear somewhat. We have a few behavior things we need to focus on (talking back, anyone?!), and will work on some family scripture memorization, too. I need to brainstorm and get a little organized before next Friday!

what we’ve been up to, mid-november edition!

what we've been up to, november edition!

Well, I haven’t taken tons of pictures the last couple of weeks, and I know the one of Miss Priss is ultra-grainy. But, if you could just imagine how adorable she was curled up on the gym floor at church coloring in her corduroy dress and boots…I did the best I could with my [flip]phone.

How precious are these babies? Who look so alike that facebook tries to tag them as the same person…

fall fun

fall fun

Someone recently brought it to my attention that the blog has been a little gloomy lately. I wanted to assure you that we are not sitting around moping!  We are so thankful for our precious, CRAZY kiddos, and work hard to have fun with them every day.  Some of their favorite things to do right now are: super hero dress up, nerf gun battles, building forts, playing any type of card game, playing I-spy, and reading The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe with Daddy.  Here’s a little sampling of our last few weeks!

My favorite quote from our little toddler chatterbox today was, “Daddy, did you hear that ruff?!  I hear that ruff!!”  (She heard a dog barking – super cute.)